Tuesday 24 April 2012

Ingredients to the Loving Love Bird :

。 ◕‿◕。

I want this so badd, I might cry :{
Chocolate pangzz rule!

Nothing Lasts Forever.

One Direction Related, So if you're not my friend Hidayah or some Direactionator.. Click away. LOL, jk. Just click it Hidayah x)  But beware of the complete and utter sadness that may or may not consume you later on in life. Haaha, Only Jokin'!!!! Seriously, its super duper SAD :{


I Loove Pancakes..

Hi Guys! This is my new blog.
Here, I shall blog about what goes on in my mind. It can be what I’m feeling, what I did, things I want to do and remember, memories and such. So yeah, basically this blog of mine can be anything I want it to be. Though I’m not planning to be anonymous, I do have my limits. I mean, I would not want some creepy stalker stalking me but thats not the point. So, Peter Pan is like my favorite childhood movie ever. Hence the title. Honestly, we never really grow up, we just learn to act in public. I gues thats all for now. Happy Reading! xx

PS: Enjoy the picture of the lovely pancakes above ;)